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Prayer List


A Prayer For Healing 


O God, bless the ‘Iolani Class of 1962 … including our families and friends. 

Bestow Your loving kindness especially upon those in need of healing;

Giving them strength and peace, as they undergo their respective treatments. 

Guide, too, the spouses, family members and caregivers, as they tend to those needing loving care, comfort and patience...


      19  Again, truly I tell you that if two of you on earth  agree about anything they ask for, it will be done for them by My Father in heaven.

      20  For where two or three gather in My name, there where I am with them.     (Mathew 18:19-20)




From Al Chong:

" ... As we approach Thanksgiving and Christmas, remember those classmates, spouses, family members, and close friends who are no longer here to celebrate with us.  It reminds us again how precious life really is until it’s gone.

Sent from my iPad (Al Chong, 11-11-23)..."



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